PasteAI is a key feature of ReportAssist. It allows you to copy text from any report (including past reports) and paste it into a different pupils report, automatically changing the pupils name and correct gender throughout the pasted text.
1. Select and highlight some text in a male pupils report by holding down and scrolling over the text. Now right-click the highlighted text and select 'Copy' (alternatively use the 'More' icon and you will find 'Copy' option there).
2. Move to a female pupils report by selecting her on the Pupil List. Position the cursor in the subject you would like the text to appear.
3. Right-click and select 'PasteAI' (alternatively use the 'More' icon and you will find 'PasteAI' there). The text will be copied into the pupils report with the text changed to relate to the new pupil.
To paste in from another program use the right-click 'Paste from word' option.
This guide is also available to download in Pdf format.